Bernard Atkins obituary

Published 18/01/2025 at 12:26:16 by Michael Howard; edited 5 times, last on 18/01/2025 at 22:08:46 by Chris Welch.

Greenleys Table Tennis Club Secretary Stephen Baggaley has informed the League Committee that that he has only recently learned of the death last April of Bernard Atkins, a former Greenleys player, aged only 61 (3 August 1962 – 24 April 2024). He will be remembered by many current players.

Bernard played in the league for just over 10 years starting in the early 2000s, always playing for the Greenleys Club in various teams from divisions 3 -5, before relocating to Bedford. He was a lover of the sport, distinctive by his towelling headband while playing . Stephen believes that Bernard qualified as a TTE (ETTA) umpire, as shown by his determination to be totally impartial when umpiring, always checking players’ bats for defects before allowing the match to start. While never setting the averages alight, Bernard was always generous to opponents, whether winning or losing. 

Bernard took on the responsibility of team captain fairly quickly and his enthusiastic approach saw him also joining the league committee, becoming Fixtures and Registrations Secretary and, for one season, combining this with the difficult position of Press officer, trying hard but unsuccessfully to interest the MK Citizen in publishing league results and tables. For his efforts on behalf of the league, the committee voted Bernard as the recipient of the prestigious President’s Trophy for 2005-6. 

Chris Welch recalls that Bernard loved to socialise with friends off the table and could often be found in the pub post-match discussing the results of the evening, and much more besides.

Stephen also recalls Bernard as a regular supporter of his brother Andrew, attending various major UK table tennis tournaments. Bernard’s beaming smile features in photographs of Andrew and his family celebrating various important triumphs, including when Andrew won the English Men’s Singles National title.

Stephen also recalls that Bernard trained in his youth to be a Catholic Priest. When living in MK, he worked with Richard Ajuwon (Greenleys Dukes) in Medical Records at the MK Hospital.

Bernard’s family asked that donations in his memory should be made to the National Autistic Society. 

Bernard Atkins with Stephen and Andrew Baggaley