Level 2 umpiring course

Published 24/11/2019 at 20:21:42 by Michael Howard; edited 1 times, last on 25/11/2019 at 08:22:20 by Chris Welch.

I have received this message from Chris Newton at Table tennis England. If anyone is intgerested, please contact him direct. I assume that anyone who wishes to attend will have to have attended and passed a Level 1 umpiring course.
Hi Everyone,
Alongside the Senior National Championships in Nottingham we are looking at holding a training course for Level 1 Umpires who are wanting to prepare for their Level 2 (national) exam.
Is this something you are interested in attending? It will be held on Saturday 29th Feb 1-3pm.
Please could you let me know quickly if you are interested in attending so I can book an appropriate room and keep a space for you. We are likely to cap attendance at 15.
For information the next Level 2 exam and practical assessment is likely to be Saturday 25th April in Wolverhampton.
Chris Newton | Development and Volunteering Officer
Email: chris.newton@tabletennisengland.co.uk
Table Tennis England
Bradwell Road, Loughton Lodge, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK8 9LA
T: 01908 208860 | W: tabletennisengland.co.uk