Individual Membership fees 2019/20

Published 29/06/2019 at 23:51:46 by Michael Howard.

At the Table Tennis England AGM on 29th June, there was considerable debate over the conflicting proposals from the Board and outside TTE concerning the IM fees for the coming season/ This was largely connected with the wish of some Leagues to keep the tt365 website and league management system, rather than to adopt the new website and league management system which has been commissisoned by TTE. There was a formal card vote in respect of the external proposition to reduce the IM fee. This resulted in 13,155 votes in favour of the proposition and 37,848 votes against it, so the proposition was defeated by nearly 3 to 1. I voted on behalf of MK League against the proposition, in accordance with the majority requests I had received following my recent email to team captains and club secretaries about this issue. During the active debate, it was made clear that the suggested reduction in IM fees would reduce the TTE annual income by approximately £200.000 and that the loss of such funding woudl inievitably have a knock-on effect on the support for various tournaments, events and activities supported by the national body.

Following the announcement of the outcome of the card vote, approval was given (by way of show of hands only), to the Board's proposal to keep the IM fee at £16 for adults and £8 for juniors for the 2019/20 season.

Last year's membership details will be transferred to the new league management system over the next week and it will be possible for players to renew their IM fee online from 16th July (if they don't do so through the league).Please note that the logon details will be an email address rather than the IM number as before. This will make it essential for players to inform TTE, by amending their membership profile, of a change of email address. Anyone not on email will have to call the registration staff at TTE to make alternative arrangements.