CORRECTION: Roger Yates - funeral details

Published 12/02/2019 at 20:58:36 by Chris Welch; edited 2 times, last on 15/02/2019 at 20:54:43 by Chris Welch.

Roger’s funeral will be on Thursday 28th February at 3.00pm at Bedford Crematorium followed by a celebration of his life to be held at the Bedford Blues Rugby Ground.  Everybody is invited to either or both. No black - please wear bright colours. 

Please note a previous version of this stated that the funeral was at 3:15pm; this is incorrect and 3:00pm is the correct start time.
Norse Road Crematorium and Cemetery
104 Norse Road
MK41 0RL
Bedford Blues    
Goldington Road    
MK40 3NF

Family flowers only.  Donations to Myeloma UK please.  Donations can be made online using this link: