Published 20/10/2017 at 11:46:26 by Brian Nicholson.

Hi all
I have been asked to put an early reminder on this site about the coming November tournament.
It will be held on Sunday 26th November at the Centre and will be for The Handicap Singles, Pot Luck Doubles, Hard Bat and the Nick Warton Trophy. The doors will be open from 9.00am and play will commence at 9.30am.
The official entry forms have been produced and a copy will be circulated shortly to all team captains via email. If you know of any not on email, would you be good enough to let them have a copy so that they can notify their team members. There will be copies available at the Centre.
The closing date for entries is the 19th November with payment, although this can also be done by paying directly to the MKTTL NatWest bank account (A/c no. 39954269 and Sort Code 60-14-55). If you choose to do it by internet transfer, then please make sure that the Reference area firstly shows your Name and then, if possible, November tournament. 
Any initial queries should go to the Organiser, Neil Riddy, whose details are in the Handbook.
Please come and support this event as it is always a good day and a lot of effort goes into running it. You can also get to play different people from other divisions.